Friday, May 4, 2012

Robins - April 30th - May 4th

Here are some highlights from this week in the Robins' class...

The letter of the week was "V" for volcano!

The Robins really enjoyed learning about Volcanoes...we definitely have lots of scientists in this class!

At circle time, the class worked together to make a small scale volcano using a mason jar & sand. The Robins took turns forming the sand around the jar...

When we were done, we added baking soda and vinegar with food coloring to make an eruption....AMAZING!

Later that day, the robins made individual volcanoes by forming play-dough around empty film canisters...

Play-dough is so wonderful! Not only can we use it to make volcanoes, but its also good for rolling out letters...

White boards are a great way to practice drawing & writing!

We have lots of nature lovers in the Robin's class. One kiddo went on a nature walk with her grandmother over the weekend and brought in some of her findings...a snake skin, feathers, and more. The kids gathered round to explore this show & tell...

Remember those seeds we wrapped in wet paper towels? They've grown! This week some of the Robins planted their seeds in soil. Again we discussed the different parts of the plant and what they would need to keep growing...

ABCs & 123s! One day at circle, we played an alphabet game in which the Robins had to match letters to a picture of an object that started with that letter. They did great and had lots of fun! We even repeated this activity the next day, but this time we tried counting!

More number fun based on the book, Bennie's Pennies. Each time Bennie bought something with one of his pennies, we had to put one of our pennies in the jar...

Number bingo!

Some of the best learning happens when the children are at play! During free time, some children began working with pipes and gutters to create ramps for matchbox cars. When the car didn't move the way we wanted, we had to figure out why. We tried new things and observed the outcome. When a friend suggested we combine our ramps, we practiced working together, taking turns, and solving conflict. How fantastic!

Thanks for reading!
Until next week...

Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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