Friday, June 1, 2012

Robins - May 29th - June 1st

This week was all about caterpillars & butterflies. The Robins watched tiny caterpillars grow & grow until they finally started forming chrysalises.

 We learned a lot about the life cycle of a butterfly. Here we are creating diagrams that show the different stages...

Dress up, dramatic play, and dance all inspired by butterflies...

Wings are great, but we needed we used construction paper, popsicle sticks, and pom poms to make some!

Caterpillars & butterflies inspired by Eric Carle's "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar game...

Pom pom caterpillars...

Confetti butterflies...

We used a variety of odd materials to paint caterpillars...balloons, paper cups, forks!


We saved the best for last! The letter of the week was "Z", which means the Robins have made their way through the entire alphabet. We celebrated by making alphabet soup...yum!

Thanks for reading!
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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