Monday, July 2, 2012

Iguanas - June 25th - 29th

Welcome! The Iguana's summer is off to a great start. Here are some of the highlights from last week...

Baking Soda & Vinegar Explorations....

At circle, we experimented with using baking soda and vinegar to blow up a balloon. It took us a couple of tries, but we finally got the balloon to inflate (a little bit).

Afterwards, each Iguana had an opportunity to use colored vinegar and trays of baking soda to explore on their own.

Pizza parlor dramatic play...
The kids had a blast and it was really fun to watch the children take on so many different roles (pizza maker, server, cashier, delivery person, customer).

More Science & Sensory Play...
This week the Iguana's grew "water crystals" in a sensory table. Our crystals started out looking like rock salt, but as they absorbed the water they turned into jelly like crystals the size of ice cubes. The Iguanas excitedly watched them change....

Bounce House Day!

Thanks for reading!
Until next week,
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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