Sunday, March 4, 2012

Robins - February 20th-24th

Take a look at what the Robins have been up to!

The letter of the week was "M" for monkey.

The Robins took turns and worked together to put a monkey puzzle together.

In honor of the letter "M" we did several math activities (guessing, counting, sorting, number recognition) involving M&Ms.

At circle, we practiced tracing Ms with metallic paint.

Writing letters in the condensation that formed on the door...

Rainy weather means lots of worms to find! Many of the Robins are fascinated by these wiggly creatures. We will be learning more about worms in the weeks to come.

We LOVE to read!

Having fun with stamps...

Ziploc bags filled with paint, water, oil, confetti and foam letters provided a unique sensory experience...especially when placed on the light table.

The Robins are so creative!

Thanks for reading!
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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