Sunday, March 18, 2012

Robins - March 12th-16th

What do all these items have in common? They all begin with the letter of the week....P!

In honor of the letter, "P", we made pig masks and acted out the story of the 3 little pigs. We had so much fun! Afterwards, the kids were invited to create and act out their own versions of this classic story.

Even snack time presents opportunities for learning. This week we challenged the kids to make each letter of the alphabet out of pretzels. We were very impressed!

Our worms are doing great! This week we observed the worm farm and drew our observations.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Green sensory tubs...

Green playdough & shamrock cut outs...
Shamrock marble painting...

 Counting shamrocks...

The Robins made guacamole...not a traditional St. Patrick's day food, but very fun to make and oh so yummy!

On Friday, there were signs that a leprechaun had visited Kidspace in the night, so we went looking for him!

We never did catch a glimpse of the leprechaun, but we discovered he had hidden a pot of gold in our playground!
 Thanks for reading! Until next week,
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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