Sunday, April 15, 2012

Robins - April 9th - 13th

Hello again! This week we enjoyed being back together again after Spring Break and we jumped back into the alphabet.

The letter of the week was "S"! We're getting so close to finishing the alphabet. The Robins have started counting down the remaining letters...only 7 more to go!

In honor of the letter "S," we used salad spinners to make spin art. This was a huge hit! Every Robin participated and each piece of art was unique. The process was tons of fun and the act of spinning took some practice and a lot of muscle control.

This week we talked a lot about our Solar System. The Robins class enjoyed reading a variety of nonfiction books on things like comets, stars, & planets.We even had a chance to try space food (freeze dried fruit and Tang)!

Space sensory tub...

Cooperation at it's finest! Here a group of children work together to assemble a solar system puzzle.

We finished the week with an alphabet cooking project. The Robins made spaghetti and Miss Julie even brought a surprise side dish...SEAWEED SALAD! It never ceases to amaze me, how brave many of the kiddos are when it comes to trying new things...

Thanks for reading! Until next week,
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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