Sunday, April 1, 2012

Robins - March 26th - 30th

What an exciting week in the Robins class! It finally started to feel like spring! On Monday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather by opening up the patio. The children basked in the sun and drew vibrant chalk pictures on the sidewalk...

We took of our shoes and traced our feet...

A few of the kids drew a race track for their creative!

We also had fun playing in the water table...

The letter of the week was "R" for rainbow. The book, "Planting a Rainbow," by Lois Ehlert was a perfect way to incorporate rainbows into the celebration of Springtime. After reading the story, some of the Robins made beautiful rainbow flowers.

Painting rainbows...

Sorting rainbow colored objects...

Building with color on the light table...

We even made rainbow toast by adding food coloring to milk...

We grew water orbs in the sensory table this week. We watched them grow as they absorbed more and more water. Even the grownups passing through our class couldn't help but stick their hands in. These things are so cool!

Wishing all the Kidspace families a wonderful Spring Break!
 Thanks for reading,
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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