More Halloween crafts and activities...
Ghost sock puppets...
Ribbon streamers...
Glitter paint & bats...
Making small versions of the book "Go Away Big Green Monster"...
Enjoying other books about Autumn & Halloween...
Creating Halloween stories of our own... The children illustrate construction paper booklets and ask a teacher to write their words. The Robins love being creative and seeing their own words written down. Afterwards they get to share their creations with their classmates during circle time.
All this Halloween excitement creates lots of extra energy, so we like to move our bodies.
Rope swing @ Naydenov...
Music & movement during P.E...heads, shoulders, knees & toes!
We have a group of students that just love to build. They create incredible structures everyday!
A small ground of students exploring the new map in the middle room...
Alphabet bingo...
Halloween parades...
Halloween party! We ate candy corn, pretzels, apples, and caramel dip.
Have a wonderful & safe Halloween! Until next week...
Miss Crystal
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