Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chickadees-Look Its Purple!!

Back in November the Chickadees had fun performing a color experiment.  Each child was given a tray filled with the three primary colors-Red, Yellow, and Blue.  They were then asked to see what other colors they could make as they took a drop or two of each color and mixed it with a drop or two of another color.  Through out the morning, I often heard, "LOOK, IT'S PURPLE," "I made orange," "Its green," and "I made brown."  Check out some of our techniques and results.

Concentrating on getting a color

It's Blue
Check out the green, purple, and brown.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chickadees-Little Fingers Hard at Work

Many of our craft projects and center activities are designed for a variety of learning opportunities.  Take for instance these three separate activities-- a craft, a science experiment, and a math activity -- that combine learning and fun with the valuable skill of the pinching grasp.

Gluing Popcorn: A fun craft project for November

Mixing primary colors to see what other ones we can make and strengthening our fingers as we pinch the bulb of the baster. . .


Counting coins as we put them into piggy banks . . . 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Robins - December 5th - 9th

It's been an exciting week in the Robins class. We started a introduced the letter "E", started a countdown to Christmas, and had a blast at family night. Here are some of the other highlights from this week...

Making our own books...

Holiday Tic-Tac-Toe...

Colors & counting with tag bags...

Playing with tools....great for fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination...

This week we talked about how letters come together to make words and how words put together make sentences. Each child picked a scroll that contained either a letter, word, or sentence and then sorted them into buckets.

Beading is always a big hit in the Robins' class...

The Robins get comfy for story time...

Family night was a blast! We showed off some of the things we've been learning, played in the gym, created marshmallow sculptures, snacked on cookies, and enjoyed spending time with one another. Thank you families!

Family night peaked our interest in our notebooks. The children have been enjoying going through their notebooks and looking at the samples of their work with great pride...

Music is everywhere! Here we are practicing for family night...

Caroling...we went form class to class singing and ringing "Jingle Bells" ...

Miss Julie's son, Wesley, came to play the violin for us. The kids loved it!

Until next time,
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

Robins - November 28th-December 2nd

Better late than are the highlights from the Robins class from the week of Nov. 28- Dec. 2nd. Enjoy!

The letter of the week was "D." As with all our letters, we practiced recognition, signing, writing, and the sound this letter makes.

We introduced magnetic sets that resemble our wood pieces. The kids had fun practicing making the letter "D" with the magnets. The smiley face reminds us that we always start our letters at the top.

Some dolls found their way into the classroom and this made for some really interesting dramatic play...

More fun with letters...

Fun with numbers...

Water play....

Building with blocks and other things...its always great to see the ways the Robins combine different materials within their creations...

Playing with piggy banks...picking up coins and putting them in the slot gives our hand muscles a workout.

We talked a lot this week about color...

We voted on which color frosting we should have at family night. Purple & turquoise won!

We practiced counting and sorting my color at circle time...

We used pipettes to experiment with mixing watercolors...

Things got really interesting when the children added straws to the mix. the used them to blow the wet paint around the plates and to extend their pipettes.

One morning we made blue & yellow playdough...

In the afternoon we read the book, "Little Blue, Little Yellow" and used our playdough to see what happened when you mix these two colors together.

Afterwards, and throughout the rest of the week, we used the play dough to practice forming letters...