Monday, October 31, 2011

Counting with Marshmallows

The question posed to the children was . . .

. . . how many marshmallows fit onto the pumpkin?

The children each received a cup with mini marshmallows and a
pumpkin cut out of paper.  This activity required problem solving and logical thinking skills as well as one to one counting skills.

The children discovered that even though every one had the same size pumpkin, they each were able to fit a different amount of marshmallows onto their pumpkin.  The count varied from 16 to 26.  That equals some excellent counting practice and some yummy eating too!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Robins - October 24-28

We have had a very busy and exciting week in the Robins' class. Here are some of the highlights...

More Halloween crafts and activities...

Ghost sock puppets...

Ribbon streamers...

Glitter paint & bats...

Making small versions of the book "Go Away Big Green Monster"...

Enjoying other books about Autumn & Halloween...

Creating Halloween stories of our own... The children illustrate construction paper booklets and ask a teacher to write their words. The Robins love being creative and seeing their own words written down. Afterwards they get to share their creations with their classmates during circle time.

All this Halloween excitement creates lots of extra energy, so we like to move our bodies.

Rope swing @ Naydenov...

Music & movement during P.E...heads, shoulders, knees & toes!

We have a group of students that just love to build. They create incredible structures everyday!

A small ground of students exploring the new map in the middle room...

Alphabet bingo...

Halloween parades...

Halloween party! We ate candy corn, pretzels, apples, and caramel dip.

Have a wonderful & safe Halloween! Until next week...

Miss Crystal

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Parade

The annual Halloween Parade in the Robin's class was great fun again this year. 
We enjoyed seeing all our friends dressed up in their festive, beautiful and sometimes spooky costumes.

The children sang and moved to the song Spin Spider Spin.  The children danced with wands they made in class.

EVERYBODY FREEZE is a spooky action song we have been singing and moving to during the month of October.    Its always a favorite of the children and our guests enjoyed it too at our Halloween celebration.

Thank you to everyone for a great day and we hope you all had a "spooktacularly" fun day!   Miss Julie

A Mirror and Many Reflections

What will happen if I get on my hands and knees and look into a mirror?
I discovered that I will see my reflection! 

 Even when we stood on the mirror we looked down
and saw the reflections of ourselves.


 What if we sit on the mirror?
Our reflection changes!!
Sitting in front of the mirror with friends was like watch ourselves on TV.

The students experimented using the mirror in many different ways.  They discovered that each time they changed the way the mirror was used or what they did with their bodies their reflection was different.

                            Miss Julie

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dress up, Ghosts and Gak

The children are getting in the Halloween spirit.  Dressing up in costumes has been great fun in the Robins'.  Despite the great variety of characters:  mice,  princesses,  witches, unicorns, cowboys and many many others they all great along nicely and the stories they weave is fun to observe.

                                 Children are working on cutting skills with twirly tailed ghosts.


        GAK  provides many opportunities for sensory and scientific discoveries.  The children are using   Halloween cookie cutters to cut the gak.  However, the children soon realized gak looses it's shape very quickly and the children watched as their cookies, right before their eyes changed into puddles.  Hmmm, why does that happen with gak and not with playdough?

                                                          Thanks for all the fun.  Miss Julie

Big Green Monster

                                       Go Away Big Green Monster
                                                                        by Ed Emberly

As the children heard the story being read. They worked
together to draw what they thought the monster might look like.

                       The Big Green Monster has two big yellow eyesa long bluish-greenish nose, a big  red mouth with sharp white teeth, two little squiggle ears, scraggly purple hair, and a big scary green face!

                                                                                 Thank you Miss Crystal for sharing the story of The Big Green Monster with us.                                  Don't get too scared.     Miss Julie

Sunday, October 23, 2011


The Robins observed that pumpkins come in all shapes and sizes.

The Robins class also learned there are many different kinds of pumpkins.
Small, big, round and tall pumpkins.  We also discovered there are many different names of pumpkins such as:
Dill's Atlantic Giant, Jack be Little, Baby Bear, Connecticut Field, Lumina, Red October
Big Max, Small Sugar Pie and Trick or Treat.

The Robins measured their pumpkins to see which pumpkin was:  the biggest, smallest, roundest, and tallest.
But in the end, everyone was in agreement - everyone's pumpkin was special.
Don't forget  to turn your pumpkin into a Jack O Lantern!!!!!!!!!!
Ms. Julie

spin spider spin

Spiders begin their webs with one thread. First the spider finds
a suitable location and tosses a string into the wind.  Then the spider
walks letting out thread, allowing the thread to sag
and attaches each end to the starting point.  The Robin's class
got to experience spinning a spiders web using black
yarn and tossing the yarn from friend to friend.
In the end a big beautiful black spider web was

Great work my friends!
Miss Julie

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Robins go to the Pumpkin Patch!

Our field trip to the pumpkin patch was absolutely wonderful! The weather was beautiful and the kids had a blast...take a look!

Later that day, we asked the children about their favorite parts of the trip. To our surprise, some kids replied that the bus ride was the best! For some of these kiddos, this was their first ride on a school bus.

We were amazed by the sights out of the windows. Some kids even announced the letters of the alphabet they could spot! Hooray!

We started out at the hay maze. The children laughed and shouted as they navigated their way through the different paths and tunnels. We all made it out...woohoo!

We were off to the petting zoo! We met goats, sheep, chickens, rabbits, pigs, a cow, and a donkey!

We said goodbye to the animals and headed over to the hay pyramid. We climbed and crawled our way to the top!

Next we boarded the tractor. You could feel the excitement in the air as we made our way out to the pumpkin patch!

Finally we had arrived! Some children found their pumpkin right away and some searched until they found just the right one! Some were determined to get the biggest pumpkin they could...even if that meant dragging it all the way back (Children could pick any pumpkin they wanted but had to be able to carry it themselves). Some simply enjoyed examining what was inside.

What a great day!

- Miss Crystal & Miss Julie