Thursday, November 17, 2011

"T" is for Turkey

Miss Kathy and Miss Sharon brought a box to circle and told us there was a surprise inside.  They gave us four clues.
  1. He is very scared because Thanksgiving is close.
  2. He is very colorful.
  3. We saw his family at the Pumpkin Patch.
  4. He has two legs.
We had many ideas.  We guessed a chicken, a car, a dragon and many other guesses.  Each time they opened the box and asked, "Are you a chicken?"  "Are you a car?" "Are you a dragon?" And each time their friend inside said, "no!"

Miss Kathy and Miss Sharon gave us two more clues.
  1. He has lots of feathers.
  2. We each made two of them today with our hands.
Then we raised our hands and said, "turkey!"  Miss Kathy opened the lid.  We were right!!

We also were introduced to the letter "T" and guess what . . . turkey begins with the letter "T."

We practiced making the "T" sound and making the sign for "T."

Do you know how to write a "T?" 
We do! We practiced today!

We ALWAYS start the letter "T" at the top and we draw a straight line down.

Next, we begin on the left and draw a line across the top.

It was a "T" riffic day!

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